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    Learning jQuery Mobile for  Beginners

    Learning jQuery Mobile for Beginners

    21 de July de 2017 / No Comments

    One of the key differences is that JavaScript does not have classes; instead, the class functionality is accomplished by object prototypes. The other main difference is that functions are objects, giving functions the capacity to hold executable

    10 weeks
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    0 lesson
    0 quiz
    169 students
    Course Description If you are a newbie to managing a WordPress website, then congratulations! You…
    Sale Become a Better Photographer (PRO)
    $99.00 $10.00

    Become a Better Photographer (PRO)

    12 de June de 2017 / No Comments

    You will shoot amazing night photos that impress your family and friends with this complete night photography course! Want to be a successful photographer? Take this course NOW.

    10 weeks
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    653 students
    Welcome our fellow photographers, This course is made for all amateur, non-professional photographers in all…
    Build Responsive Website with HTML5

    Build Responsive Website with HTML5

    5 de June de 2015 / No Comments

    The purpose of jQuery is to make it much easier to use JavaScript on your website. Complete web developer Guide to websites working with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Bootstrap, JQuery, MySQL and more

    10 minutes
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    750 students
    The purpose of jQuery is to make it much easier to use JavaScript on your…
    Sale Master Web Design in Photoshop
    $99.00 $19.00

    Master Web Design in Photoshop

    5 de June de 2015 / No Comments

    This tutorial gives a complete understanding on JavaScript. Learn Online Marketing by Doing. SEO, Facebook, YouTube, Email Marketing, Social Media, Google Analytics, Adwords & More

    10 weeks
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    1050 students
    Course Description This course, we’ll learn the fundamentals of JavaScript, the programming language of the…
    Creating Responsive Web Design

    Creating Responsive Web Design

    5 de June de 2015 / No Comments

    Learn all the skills that are needed by companies today, and land your next dream job. You will understand the plugin workflow and how to extend its features via add-ons.

    10 weeks
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    450 students
    In this tutorial we will provide you with detailed instructions on how to use WordPress…
    Sale The Art of Black and White Photography
    $199.00 $10.00

    The Art of Black and White Photography

    5 de June de 2015 / No Comments

    Think of it like skin and makeup that covers the bones of HTML. Become a Full-Stack Developer – Learn Everything from Design to Front & Back-End Programming. Learn about popular web frameworks.

    10 weeks
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    0 lesson
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    540 students
    In this course, We'll learn how to create websites by structuring and styling your pages…